
Cursos y publicaciones


  • Garrido J.L. , F. Rodríguez, M. Zapata(2009) Occurrence of loroxanthin, loroxanthin decenoate and loroxanthin dodecenoate in Tetraselmis species (Prasinophyceae, Chlorophyta)
    J. Phycol. 45: 366-374
  • Seoane S, Zapata M, Orive E (2009) Growth rates and pigment patterns of haptophytes isolated from estuarine waters. J Sea Res 62:286-294
  • Lefebvre S.C., G. Harris, R. Webster, N. leonardos, R.J. Geider, C. A. Raines, B.A. Read, J.L. Garrido (2010) Characterization and expression analysis of the Lhcf gene family in Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) receals differential responses to light and CO2. J. Phycol. 46: 123-134
  • Sampedro N, Fraga S, Penna A, Casabianca S, Zapata M, Fuentes Grünewald C, Riobó P, Camp J (2011). Barrufeta bravensis gen. nov. sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) a new bloom forming species from NW Mediterranean Sea. J. Phycol. 47:375-392
  • Fraga S, Rodríguez F, Caillaud A , Diogene J, Raho N, Zapata M (2011). Gambierdiscus excentricus sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a benthic toxic dinoflagellate from the Canary Islands (NE Atlantic Ocean). Harmful Algae 11:10–22
  • Reñé A, Satta CT, Garcés E, Massana R, Zapata M, Anglès S, Camp J (2011) Gymnodinium litoralis sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a newly identified bloom-forming dinoflagellate from the NW Mediterranean Sea. Harmful Algae 12: 11-25
  • Jeffrey SW, Wright SW, Zapata M (2011) Algal classes and their signature pigments. In: Phytoplankton Pigments: Characterization, Chemotaxonomy and Applications in Oceanography. Roy S, Egeland ES, Johnsen G, Llewellyn CA (eds) Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-77. (ISBN-13: 9781107000667)
  • Garrido JL, Airs R, Rodríguez F, Van Heukelem L, Zapata M (2011) New HPLC separation techniques. In: Phytoplankton Pigments: Characterization, Chemotaxonomy and Applications in Oceanography. Roy S, Egeland ES, Johnsen G, Llewellyn CA (eds) Cambridge University Press, pp. 165-194. (ISBN-13: 9781107000667)
  • Airs R, Garrido JL (2011) Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for pigment analysis. In: Phytoplankton Pigments: Characterization, Chemotaxonomy and Applications in Oceanography. Roy S, Egeland ES, Johnsen G, Llewellyn CA (eds) Cambridge University Press, pp. 314-342. (ISBN-13: 9781107000667)
  • Egeland ES [in collaboration with Garrido, JL Clementson L, Andresen K, Thomas CS, Zapata M, Airs R, Llewellyn CA, Newman GL, Rodríguez F, Roy, S] (2011) Phytoplankton pigments data sheets. In: Phytoplankton Pigments: Characterization, Chemotaxonomy and Applications in Oceanography. Roy S, Egeland ES, Johnsen G, Llewellyn CA (eds) Cambridge University Press, pp. 675-822. (ISBN-13: 9781107000667)
  • Babarro JMF, Reiriz MJF, Labarta, U, Garrido JL (2011) Variability of the total free amino acid (TFAA) pool in Mytilus galloprovincialis cultured on a raft system. Effect of body size. Aqualcut. Nutr.17: E448-E458
  • Zapata M, Rodríguez F, Fraga S, Barra L, Ruggiero MV (2011). Chlorophyll c pigment patterns in 18 species (51 Strains) of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae). J. Phycol. 47: 1274-1280
  • Álvarez S , Zapata M, Garrido JL , Vaz B (2012). Characterization of [8-ethyl]-chlorophyll c3 from Emiliania huxleyi . Chemical Communications 48, 5500-5502.
  • Zapata M, Fraga S, Rodríguez F, Garrido JL (2012). Pigment-based chloroplast types in dinoflagellates. Marine Ecology Progress Series 465, 33-52.
  • Rial, P, Garrido JL, Jaén D, Rodríguez F (2013) Pigment composition in three Dinophysis species (Dinophyceae) and the associated cultures of Mesodinium rubrum and Teleaulax amphioxeia
    J. Plankton Res. 35(2): 433-43
  • Victor M. Rodriguez; Pablo Velasco; Jose L. Garrido; Pedro Revilla; Amando Ordas; Ana Butron (2013) Genetic regulation of cold-induced albinism in the maize inbred line A661.
  • Journal of Experimental Botany 64 (12): 3657-3667
  • Álvarez S , Rodríguez F, Riobó P, Garrido JL , Vaz B (2013). Chlorophyll cCS‑170 Isolated from
    Ostreococcus sp. Is [7-Methoxycarbonyl-8-vinyl]protochlorophyllide a. Organic Letters 15 (17): 4430-4433.
  • Roy S, Garrido JL (2013) Pigments |Liquid chromatography. In Reedijk J (ed) Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular sciences and Chemical Engineering. Elsevier, Waltham, MA. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409547-2.04878-2
  • F.G. Figueiras , O. Espinoza-González , B. Arbones, Garrido J.L., Teixeira I.G., Castro C.G. (2014) Estimating phytoplankton size-fractionated primary production in the northwestern Iberian upwelling: Is mixotrophy relevant in pigmented nanoplankton? Progress in Oceanography 128: 88–97
  • Alonso-González, A., Orive, E., David, H., García-Etxebarria, K., Garrido, J.L., Laza-Martínez, A. & Seoane, S. (2014). Scaly green flagellates from Spanish Atlantic coastal waters: molecular, ultrastructural and pigment analyses. Botanica Marina, 57, 379–402.