Revuelto Benedí, Jesús





Juan de la Cierva


















The main research line throughout my scientific career is focused on the comprehension of snow related processes in mountain areas. The study of the snowpack is challenging as it has a high temporal and spatial variability due to complex relationships with other elements of the cyopshere, but also with the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere. The snowpack is a meaningful resource, not only for mountain areas but also to downstream areas, what in the context of global change underline the need of a detailed comprehension of snow dynamics to design appropriate adaptation strategies. All this highlights the needs of monitoring and understanding snow dynamics to reduce the uncertainty of forecasting snowpack evolution at different spatial and temporal scales. 

Specifically, I am highly interested on the understanding on how the snowpack controls different mountain processes comprising; glaciers dynamics, rivers discharge, meadows phenology or soil erosion; and simultaneously, on the comprehension on how local topography, forest structures and the occurrence of different meteorological events influences snow dynamics. Along my scientific career I have learned, applied and combined a wide variety of observation and simulation techniques what has allowed me to push ahead the knowledge boundaries in remote mountain areas. Likewise I have contributed to develop forecasting and monitoring systems aimed to prevent endangering situations for the society, infrastructures and mountain ecosystems. 

In total, I have been involved in more than 200 field campaigns all over the world (Pyrenees, Alps, Cordillera Blanca, Central Andes), not only to observe snow and glaciers dynamics, but also to install and maintain experimental sites. This way, I was the first researcher systematically applying and generating TLS and drone observations in the Pyrenees and one the first all over the world to implement these tools in mountain areas.























69. J. Revuelto, E. Alonso-González, S. Gascoin, G. Rodríguez-López, J.I. López-Moreno. Spatial downscaling of MODIS snow cover observations using Sentinel-2 snow products . MDPI Remote Sensing 2021. 13, 4513. 

68. E. Morán-Tejeda; M. Llorente-Pinto; A. Ceballos-Barbancho; M. Tomás-Burguera; C. Azorín-Molina; E. Alonso-González; J. Revuelto and J.I. López-Moreno. The significance of monitoring high mountain environments to detect heavy precipitation hotspots: A case study in Gredos, Central Spain. Theoretical and Applied Climatology .

67. J. Revuelto, B. Cluzet, N. Duran, M. Fructus, M. Lafaysse, E. Cosme, M. Dumont  Assimilation of surface reflectance in snow simulations: impact on bulk snow variables. Journal of Hydrology  603 (2021) 126966 

66. I. Vidaller, J. Revuelto (co-first authors), E. Izagirre, F. Rojas-Heredia, E. Alonso-González, S. Gascoin, P. Rene, E. Berthier, I. Rico, A. Moreno, E. Serrano, A. Serreta, J.I.  López-Moreno; Toward an ice-free mountain range: demise of Pyrenean glaciers during 2011–2020. Geophysical Research Letters. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094339. 

65. I Rico, F Magnin, J.I. López-Moreno, E Serrano, E. Alonso-González, J. Revuelto, L. Hughes-Allen, M. Gómez-Lende. First evidence of rock wall permafrost in the Pyrenees (Southwestern Europe, 42° N). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 2021;1–8.  

64. J.I. López-Moreno, J.W. Pomeroy, E. Moran-Tejeda, J. Revuelto, F.M. Navarro-Serrano, I. Vidaller, E. Alonso-González, Changes in the frequency changes of global high mountain rain-on-snow (ROS) events due to climate warming. Environmental Research Letters. 

63. J. Revuelto, E. Alonso-Gonzalez, I. Vidaller-Gayan, E. Lacroi, E. Izagirre, G. Rodríguez-López, J. I. López-Moreno. Intercomparison of UAV platforms for mapping snow depth distribution in complex alpine terrain.  Cold Regions Science and Technology. 

62. N. Helbig, Y. Bühler, L. Eberhard. C. Deschamps-Berger, S. Gascoin, M. Dumont, J. Revuelto, J.S. Deems, T. Jonas. Fractional snow covered area : Scale independent peak of winter parameterization. The Cryosphere. 15, 615–632, 2021 

61. J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno, E. Alonos-González, Light and shadow in mapping alpine snowpack with unmanned aerial vehicles-UAVs in the absence of ground control points. Water Resource Research,  57, e2020WR028980. 


60. J.I. López Moreno, F. Navarro, E. Izaguirre, E. Alonso, i. Rico, J. Zabalza, J. Revuelto. (2020). Glacier and climate evolution in the Pariacacá Mountains, Peru. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica.  Vol 46, No 1 (2020).  Doi: 10.18172/cig.4331, pp 127-139. JCR year: 2020, JCI Rank: 26/60, JCI Quartile: Q2

59. J. Revuelto, E. Alonso–González, J.I. López-Moreno. (2020)  Generation of daily high spatial resolution snow depth maps from in-situ snow depth data and time-lapse photographs. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica doi: 10.18172/cig.3801 46 (1), pp. 55-79. 

58. J. I. López-Moreno, J. M. García-Ruiz, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, E. Alonso-González, J. Revuelto-Benedí. I. Rico,  E. Izagirre & Beguería-Portugués, S. (2020). Critical discussion of:" A farewell to glaciers: Ecosystem services loss in the Spanish Pyrenees". Journal of environmental management, 275, 111247.

57. J. Revuelto, P. Billecocq, F. Tuzet, B. Cluzet, M. Lamare, F. Larue, M. Dumont, M. (2020). Random forests as a tool to understand the snow depth distribution and its evolution in mountain areas. Hydrological Processes 

56. S. Gascoin, Z. Barrou-Dumont, C. Deschamps-Berger, F. Marti, J.I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, T. Michon, P. Schattan, O. Hagolle. (2020) Estimating fractional snow cover in open terrain from Sentinel-2 using the normalized difference snow index. Remote sensing MDPI. 12(18), 2904. Q1. IF 4.848 

55. J. I. López-Moreno; J.W. Pomeroy; E.Alonso-González; J. Revuelto. E. Moran-Tejeda. (2020) Decoupling of warming mountain snowpacks from hydrological regimes Environmental Research Letters 15(11), 114006. 

54. P.A. Mendoza, T.E. Shaw, J. McPhee, K.N. Musselman, J. Revuelto, S. MacDonell. (2020)  Spatial distribution and scaling properties of lidar-derived snow depth in the extratropical Andes. Water Resource Research 

53. F. Tuzet, M. Dumont, G. Picard, M. Lamare, D. Voisin, P. Nabat, M. Lafaysse, F. Larue, J. Revuelto, L. Arnaud. (2020). Quantificatin of the radiative impact of light-abosrving particles during two contrasted snow seasons at Col du Lautaret (2058 m a.s.l., French Alps). The Cryosphere 

52. D. Peña-Angulo, F. Reig-Gracia, F. Domínguez-Castro, J. Revuelto, E. Aguilar, G. van der Schrier, S. M. Vicente-Serrano (2020) ECTACI: European Climatology and Trend Atlas of Climate Indices (1979-2017). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,125, e2020JD032798. 

51. E. Alonso-González, J.I. López-Moreno, F. Navarro-Serrano, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, J. Revuelto, A. Ceballos. (2020) Snowpack sensitivity to temperature, precipitation and radiation variability over an elevational gradient in the Iberian mountains. Atmospheric Research 243 (2020) 104973

50. J. Pey, J. Revuelto, N. Moreno, E. Alonso-González, M. Bartolomé, J. Reyes, S. Gascoin, J.I. López-Moreno. (2020) Snow Impurities in the Central Pyrenees: From Their Geochemical and Mineralogical Composition towards their Impacts on Snow Albedo. Atmosphere MDPI. 2020, 11, 937; doi:10.3390/atmos11090937. 

49. F. Larue, G. Picard, L. Arnaud, I. Ollivier, C. Delcourt, M. Lamare, F. Tuzet, J. Revuelto, M. Dumont. Snow albedo sensitivity to macroscopic surface roughness using a new ray-tracing model, The Cryosphere, 14, 1651–1672, The Cryosphere 14, 1651-1672. 

48. J. I. López-Moreno, J. L. Ceballos, F. Rojas, J. Zabalza-Martinez, I. Vidaller, J. Revuelto, E. Alonso-González,  E. Morán-Tejeda, J. M. García-Ruiz. (2020) Topographic control of glacier changes since the end of the Little Ice Age in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains, Colombia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102803. 

47. F Navarro-Serrano; C. Azorin-Molina; E. Alonso-González; M. Aznárez-Balta; S. Buisán; J. Revuelto; J.I. López-Moreno. (2020)  Elevation Effects on Air Temperature in a topographically complex mountain valley in the Spanish Pyrenees. Atmosphere MDPI, 11, 656; doi:10.3390/atmos11060656. 

46. P. A. Mendoza, K. N. Musselman,  J. Revuelto, J. S. Deems I. López-Moreno, and J. McPhee. Interannual and seasonal variability of snow depth scaling behavior in a sub‐alpine catchment. Water Resource Research 

45. F. Domínguez-Castro, F. Reig, S. Vicente-Serrano, E. Aguilar, D. Peña-Angulo, I. Noguera, J. Revuelto, G. van der Schrier, A. El Kemawy. (2020)  A multidecadal assessment of climate índices over Europe. Accepted in Scientific Data 7 (125) doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0464-0. 

44. B. Cluzet, J. Revuelto, M. Lafaysse, M. Dumont, E. Cosme, F. Tuzet. ( 2020)Towards the assimilation of MODIS reflecatance into spatialized snowpack simulations. Cold Region Science and Technology.170, 102918.


43. E. Alonso-González, J.I. López-Moreno, F. Navarro-Serrano, J. Revuelto (2019) Impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the Snowpack in Iberian Peninsula Mountains. Water MDPI, 12 (1), 105. doi:10.3390/w12010105 

42. E. Alonso-González, J.I. López-Moreno, F. Navarro-Serrano, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, J. Revuelto, F. Domínguez-Castro, A. Ceballos. (2019) Snow climatology for the mountains in Iberian Peninsula using satellite imagery and simulations using dynamically downscaled reanalysis data. International Journal of Climatology 40 (1). 

41. F. Tuzet, M. Dumont, L. Arnaud, D. Voisin, M. Lamare, F. Larue, J. Revuelto and G. Picard (2019). Influence of light absorving particles on snow spectral irradiance profiles. The Cryosphere. 13, 2169–2187, 2019 


40. J.I. López Moreno E. Alonso-González; O. Montserrat; L. M. del Rio; J. Otero; J. Lapazaran; G. Luzi; N. Dematteis; A. Serreta; E. Serrano-Cañadas; M. Bartolome; A. Moreno; S. Buisan; J. Revuelto Ground-based remote sensing techniques for diagnosis of the current state and recent evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, Spanish Pyrenees. Journal of Glaciology. doi: 10.1017/jog.2018.96. Q2. IF 3.261

39. J. Revuelto, G. Lecourt, M. Lafaysse, I. Zin, L. Charrois, V. Vionnet, M. Dumont, A. Rabatel, D. Six, T. Condom, S. Morin, A. Viani, P. Sirguey. (2018). Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Snowpack Simulations in Complex Alpine Terrain Using Satellite and In Situ Observations. Remote Sensing MDPI 10 (8) 1171, 

38 F. Navarro-Serrano, J.I. López-Moreno, C. Azorin-Molina, E. Alonso-González, M. Tomás-Burguera, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, J. Revuelto, S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2018). Estimation of near-surface (~1.5m) air temperature lapse-rates over the continental Spain and its mountain areas. International Journal of Climatology 2018 38(8), 3233-3249. 

37 J. I. López-Moreno, F. Navarro-Serrano, C. Azorín-Molina, P. Sánchez-Navarrete, E. Alonso-González, I. Rico, E. Morán-Tejeda, S. Buisan, J. Revuelto, M. Pons, and S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2018). Air and wet bulb temperature lapse rates and their impact on snowmaking in a Pyrenean ski resort, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2018. 1-13. 

36 A.Viani, T.Condom, C. Vincent, A. Rabatel, B. Bacchi, J. E. Sicart, J. Revuelto, D.Six and I.Zin. (2018). Glacier-wide summer surface mass balance reconstruction: hydrological balance applied on Argentière and Mer de Glace drainage basins (Mont Blanc, France) Journal of Glaciology 64, 243 119-113. 

35 E. Alonso-González, J. I. López-Moreno1, S. Gascoin, M. García-Valdecasas Ojeda, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, F. Navarro-Serrano, J. Revuelto, A. Ceballos, M. J. Esteban-Parra, R. Essery (2018). Daily gridded datasets of snow depth and snow water equivalent for the Iberian Peninsula from 1980 to 2014 Earth System Science Data. 10, 303- 315. 


34. J. Revuelto, C. Azorín-Molina, E. Alonso-González, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado. F. Navarro-Serrano, I. Rico, J.I. López-Moreno (2017). Meteorological and snow distribution data in the Izas Experimental Catchment (Spanish Pyrenees) from 2011 to 2017. Earth System Science Data 9, (2), 993. 

33. J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, E. Alonso-González, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, S. R. Fassnacht, J. Deemsm E. Moran-Tejeda, Using very long-range terrestrial laser scanner to analyse the temporal consistency of the snowpack distribution in a high mountain environment. Journal of Mountain Science14 (5): 823-842. 

32. C. Azorín-Molina, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, T. R. McVicar, J. Revuelto, S. Jerez, J.I. López-Moreno (2017). Assessing the impact of measurement time interval when calculating speed means and trend under the stealling phenomenom. International Journal of Climatology., 37 (1). 480-492. 

31. J. I. López-Moreno, B. Valero-Garces, B. Mark, M. Frugone, J. Revuelto, C. Azorin-Molina, J. Bazo, S. M. Vicente-Serrano (2017). Hydrological response and pro-glacial lake dynamics associated with recent glacier retreat in Yanamarey catchment, Cordillera Blanca (Peru). Science of the Total Environment, 579: 272-282. 

30. S.M. Vicente-Serrano, E. Aguilar, R. Martínez, N. Martín- Hernández, C. Azorín-Molina, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, A. El Kenawy, M. Tomás-Burguera, E. Morán-Tejeda, J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, S. Beguería, J. J. Nieto, A. Drumond, L. Gimeno, R. Nieto (2017). The complex influence of ENSO on droughts in Ecuador. Climate Dynamics. 48: 405-427. 


29. J. Revuelto, J.I. López Moreno, C. Azorin, E. Alonso-González, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado (2016) Small scale effect of pine stand pruning on snowpack distribution in the Pyrenees observed with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner. Forests , 7 (8), 166; Q1. IF 1.951

28. J. Revuelto, T. Jonas, J.I. López Moreno (2016). Backward snow depth reconstruction at high spatial resolution based on time-lapse. Hydrological Processes. 30-17: 2976–2990. Q1. IF 3.014

27. J. Revuelto. V. Vionnet, J. I. López-Moreno, M. Lafaysse, S. Morin (2016). Combining snowpack modeling and terrestrial laser scanner observations improves the simulation of small scale snow dynamics. Journal of Hydrology 533. 291-307. D1. IF 3.483. 

26. J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, I. Rico, J. M. Garcí-Ruiz, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, A. Serreta, M. Del Rio, E. Serrano-Cañadas (2016). Thinning of the Monte Perdido Glacier in the Spanish Pyrenees since 1981. The Cryosphere 10 (2), 681-294. D1. IF 4.083, 

25. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, A. El Kenawy, C. Azorín-Molina, O. Chura, F. Trujillo, E. Aguilar, N. Martín-Hernández, J.I. López-Moreno, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, E. Moran-Tejeda, J. Revuelto, P. Ycaza, F. Friend (2016). Average monthly and annual climate maps for Bolivia. Journal of Maps. 12 (2): 295-310. Q2. IF 2.174

24. J.I. López-Moreno, E. Morán- Tejeda, Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, J. Bazo, C. Azorín-Molina, .J. Revuelto, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, F. Navarro‐Serrano E. Aguilar O. Chura (2016). Recent temperature variability and change in the Altiplano of Bolivia and Peru. International Journal of Climatology. 36(4), 1773-1796. 

23. M.B. García, C.L. Alados, R. Antor, J.L. Benito Alonso, J.J. Camarero, F. Carmena, P. Errea, F. Fillat, R. García-González, J.M. García-Ruiz,  M. Gartzia, D. Gómez, I. Gómez,  P. González-Sampériz, E. Gutiérrez, J.J. Jiménez, J.I. López-Moreno, P. Mata, A. Moreno, P. Montserrat, P. Nuche, I. Pardo, J. Revuelto, M.I. Rieradeval, H. Sáiz, P. Tejero, S. Vicente-Serrano, E. Villagrasa, L. Villar, B. Valero-Garcés (2016). Integrating scales and LTER methods to better understand the overall dynamics of a mountain protected space:the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park. Ecosistemas. 25 - 1, 19 - 30. 


22 J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno, C. Azorín-Molina, S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2015). Canopy influence on snow depth distribution in a pine stand determined from terrestrial laser data. Water Resource Research, 51 (5). 3476-3489. 

21. E. Nadal-Romero, J. Revuelto, P. Errea, J.I. López-Moreno. The application of terrestrial laser scanner and photogrammetry in measuring erosion and deposition processes in humid badlands in the Central Spanish Pyrenees. SOIL, 1, 561-573, 2015. Impact Factor released in 2019 JCR. 

20. C. Azorín-Molina, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, T. R. McVicar, E. Moran-Tejeda, J. Revuelto, A. El Kenawy, N. Hernández-Martín, M. Tomas-Burguera (2015). Atmospheric evaporative demand observations, estimates and driving factors in Spain (1961-2011). Journal of Hydrology, 523 (2015), 262-277.

19. J.I. López-Moreno; J. Revuelto; S. Fassnacht; C. Azorín-Molina; S.M. Vicente-Serrano; E. Morán-Tejeda, G.A. Sextone (2015). Snowpack variability across various spatio-temporal resolutions. Hydrological Processes. 29 (6): 1213-1224. 

18. C. Azorín-Molina, Vicente-Serrano S.M., D. Chen, B.H. Connell, M.A. Domínguez-Durán, J. Revuelto, J.I.López-Moreno (2015). AVHRR warm-season cloud climatologies under various synoptic regimes across the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. International Journal of Climatology, 35 (8):1984-2002. 


17. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, C. Azorín-Molina, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, J. Revuelto, E.Moran-Tejeda J.I. López-Moreno, F. Espejo (2014). Sensitivity of reference evapotranspiration to changes in meteorological parameters in Spain (1961–2011). Water Resource Research 50 (11): 8458–8480. Q1. IF 3.549

16. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, C. Azorín-Molina, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno, J.C. González-Hidalgo, E. Moran-Tejeda, F. Espejo (2014). Reference evapotranspiration variability and trends in Spain (1961-2011). Global and Planetary Change,121 (2014) 26-40. Q1. IF 2.766

15.  J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno, C. Azorín-Molina, S. M. Vicente-Serrano. Topographic control of snowpack distribution in a small catchment in the central Spanish Pyrenees: intra- and inter-annual persistence. The Cryosphere 8 (5): 1889-2006. D1. IF 4.906. 

14. S.M. Vicente-Serrano J.I., López-Moreno, S. Beguería, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, A. Sanchez-Lorenzo, J.M. Garcia-Ruiz, C. Azorin-Molina, E. Morán-Tejeda, J. Revuelto, R.M. Trigo, F. Coelho, F. Espejo (2014). Evidence of increasing drought severity caused by temperature rise in southern Europe. Environmental Research Letters. 9 (4), 44001 44010. Q1. IF 3.906.

13. J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno,  C. Azorín-Molina, J. Zabalza, G. Arguedas, S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2014).  Mapping the annual evolution of snow depth in a small catchment in the Pyrenees from long range terrestrial laser scanner technique. Journal of maps. 10(3): 379-393. 

12. J.I. López-Moreno, S. Fontaneda, J. Bazo, J. Revuelto, C. Azorin-Molina, B. Valero-Garcés, S.M. Vicente-Serrano, J. Alejo-Cochachín (2014). Recent glacier retreat and climate trends in Cordillera Huaytapallana, Peru. . Global and Planetery Change. 112:1-11. 

11. J.I. López-Moreno, J. Zabalza, S.M. Vicente-Serrano, J. Revuelto, M. Gilaberete, C. Azorin-Molina, E. Moran-Tejeda, J.M. García-Ruiz, C. Tague (2014). Impact of climate and land use change on water availability and reservoir management: scenarios in the upper Aragon river, Spanish Pyrenees. Sciences of the Total Environment. 493:1222-1231

10. J.I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, M. Gilaberte, E. Morán-Tejeda, M. Pons, E. Jove, P. Esteban, C. Garcia, J.W. Pomeroy (2014). The effect of aspect on the response of snowpack to climate warming in the Pyrenees. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 117 (1-2): 207-219. 

9. S.M. Vicente-Serrano, C. Azorín-Molina, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, E. Morán-Tejeda, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J. Revuelto, J. I. López-Moreno, F. Espejo (2014). Temporal evolution of surface humidity in Spain: recent trends and possible physical mechanism. Climate Dynamics. 42 (9-10), 2655–2674. 

8. J.I. López-Moreno, A. El-Kenawy, J. Revuelto, C. Azorín-Molina, E. Morán-Tejeda, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J. Zabalza, S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2014). Observed trends and future projections for winter warm events in the Ebro basin, Northeastn Iberian Peninsula. International Journal of Climatology. 34 (1): 49-60-

7. C. Azorín-Molina, Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, T. R. McVicar, S. Jerez, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, J.I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, R.M. Trigo, J.A, López-Bustins, F. Espirito Santo (2014). Homogenization and assessment of observed near-surface wind speed trends over Spain and Portugal, 1961-2011. Journal of Climate 27 (10), 3692-3712.


6. J.I. López-Moreno, J.W. Pomeroy,  J. Revuelto, S.M.  Vicente-Serrano. Response of snow processes to climate change: spatial variability in a small basin in the Spanish Pyrenees (2013). Hydrological Processes. 27( 18)  2637–2650,

5. E. Morán-Tejeda, S. Herrera, J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, A. Lehmann M. Beniston (2013). Evolution and frequency (1970-2007) of combined-precipitation modes in the Spanish mountains and sensitivity of snow cover. Regional Environmental Change.13(4) , 873-885. Q1. IF 2.26.

4. E. Morán-Tejada, A. Ceglar, B. Medved-Cvikl, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, J. I. López Moreno, J. C. Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J. Revuelto, J. Julio-Camarero, E. Pasho (2013). Assesing the capability of multi-scale drought datasets to quantify drought severity and to identify drought impacts: an example in the Ebro Basin. International Journal of Climatology. 33 (8), 1884–1897. 

3. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, C. Gouveia, J. Julio Camarero, S. Beguería, R. Trigo, J. I. López-Moreno, C. Azorín-Molina, E. Pasho, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J. Revuelto, E. Morán-Tejeda, A. Sanchez-Lorenzo (2013). Response of vegetation to droughts time-scales across global biomes Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Science (PNAS). 110: 52-57. 

2.  J.I. López-Moreno, S.R. Fassnacht, J.T. Heath, K.N. Musselman, J. Revuelto, J. Latron,  E. Morán-Tejeda, T. Jonas (2013). Small scale spatial variability of snow density and depth over complex alpine terrain: Implications for estimating snow water equivalent Advances in Water Resources  55, 40–52. 


1. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, S. Beguería, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J. Julio Camarero, J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, E. Morán-Tejeda, A. Sanchez-Lorenzo (2012). Performance of drought indices for Ecological, Agricultural, and Hydrological Applications. Earth interactions. 2012. 16: 1-10. 































International research projects

1. Project title: Advancing cryospheric hazard prediction capabilities in mountain areas through an innovative combination of high resolution numerical modelling and satellite imagery 

Financial entity: AXA Research Foundation (2017-2019),

Length: 2 years (2017-2019)       Principal investigator:  Jesús Revuelto

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: MétéoFrance-CNRS, CEN  (Grenoble, France)         Funding: 130.000 euros (95000 euros salary, 35000 euros project)

National research projects

14. Project title:  “Generación de cartografáis de alta resolución espacial del manto de nive y su variabilidad en los PPNN de montaña y los impactos del cambio climático para el horizonte 2050”

Financial entity: Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales

Length: 3 years 2021-2023       Principal investigator:  Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 69.000 euros

13. Project title:  “HIDROIBERNIEVE- El papel de la nieve en la hidrología de la península ibérica y su respuesta a procesos de cambio global- CGL2017-82216-R””

Financial entity: Ministerio de Economía

Length: 3 years 2020-2022       Principal investigator:  Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 217.300 euros

12. Project title: Direccion JAE intro: “Caracterización espacial de la superficie de los glaciares Pirenaicos con Vehículos Aéreos No Tripulados y análisis de su evolución reciente”

Financial entity: CSIC

Length: 5 months 2021       Principal investigator:  Jesús Revuelto

Involvement: Direction

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 3.000 euros

11. Project title: Direccion JAE intro: “Incremento de la resolución espacial de productos satélite en zonas de montaña: evolución de la cobertura de nieve a escala de detalle”

Financial entity: CSIC

Length: 5 months  2020       Principal investigator:  Jesús Revuelto

Involvement: Direction

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 3.000 euros

10. Project title: Juan de la Cierva Incorporación

Financial entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación,

Length: 3 years (2020-2023)       Principal investigator:  Jesús Revuelto

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 93.000 euros

9. Project title: Etude de la variabilité du couvert neigeux et du rayonnement sous forêt : étude des processus de fonte au Col de Porte (Study of the snowcover variability below forested areas : Study of melting processes at Col  du Porte)

Financial entity: OSUG, Grenoble,

Length: 1 years (2016)       Principal investigator:  J.M. Sicart

Involvement: Post-doc,

Entity where project took place: University Grenoble-Alpes (Grenoble, France)          Funding: 30.000 euros

8. Project title: Deposition, becoming and impact of light absorbing impurities in snow

 Financial entity: Agence nationale de la recherche

Length: 4 years (2016-2018)       Principal investigator: :Marie Dumont

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Snow Research Center (Grenoble, France)              Funding: 300.000euros

7. Project title: Programme de recherche sur la prévision de crues de l’Arve à Chamonix (Research Programme on Flood Forecasting of Arve river in Chamonix).

Financial entity: SM3A Syndicat Mixte d'Aménagement de l'Arve et ses Affluents

Length: 3 años (2014-2017)       Principal investigator:  D. Six

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: University Grenoble-Alpes (Grenoble, France)          Funding: 250.000 euros

6. Project title:  “Estudio del manto de nieve en la montaña española, y su respuesta a la variabilidad y cambio climatico-CGL2014-52599-P. MINECO””

Financial entity: Ministerio de Economía, I+D excelencia

Length: 2015-2017       Principal investigator:  Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 178.000 euros

5. Project title:El glaciar de Monte Perdido: Monitorización y estudio de su dinámica actual y procesos criosféricos asociados como indicadores de procesos de cambio global.

Financial entity: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente

Length: 3 años (2014- 2017)             Principal investigator: Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza, Spain) Funding: 66.500 euros

4. Project title: Glacier retreat in the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Huaytapallana in Perú: Evidences and impacts on local population)

Financial entity: CSIC para el Desarrollo – ICOOP89

Length: 2012- 2013

Principal investigator: Dr. Juan-I. López-Moreno (CSIC)

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza, Spain)          Funding: 17.500 euros

3. Project title: Hidrología nival en el Pirineo Central español: variabilidad espacial, importancia hidrológica y su respuesta a la variabilidad y cambio climático.

Financial entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. CGL2011-27536 

Length: 3 years (2011-2014)            

Principal investigator: Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza, Spain)        Funding: 74.000 euros

2.  Project title: ASIC programable para interfaz de microsensores en nodos de redes inalámbricas

Financial entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (PET2007-0336)

Length: 2 years 2008-2010

Principal investigator: Santiago Celma Pueyo

Involvement: Fellowship from I3A 

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

1.  Project title: Metodologías de diseño mixto para procesado analógico de señales en tiempo continuo 

Financial entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia-FEDER (TEC2005-00285/MIC)

Length: 3 years 2005-2008.

Principal investigator: Santiago Celma Pueyo.

Involvement: Last degree course.

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

Regional reserch projects

5. Project title: El yacimiento de huellas fósiles de Fondota (Abiego) y su estudio mediante técnicas de Terrestrial Laser Scan.

Financial entity: Centro de Estudios del Somontano de Barbastro


Principal investigator: Diego Castanera.

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)              Funding: 5000 eruos

4. Project title: Efecto de los escenarios de cambio climático sobre la hidrología superficial y la gestión de los embalses del Pirineo Aragonés para el siglo XXI: Valoración de impactos y posibles estrategias de adaptación GA-LC-007/2011.

Financial entity: Gobierno de Aragón y La Caixa

Length: 2 years (may 2011-Abril 2013)            

Principal investigator: Juan Ignacio López Moreno.

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza, Spain)       Funding: 42.000 euros

3. Project title: Inteligencia ambiental aplicada a entornos naturales abiertos.

Financial entity: Universidad de Zaragoza-DGA (UZ2006-TEC-02)

Length: 1 year    (2008)               

Principal investigator l: Nicolás J. Medrano Marqués.

Involvement: Last degree course.

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

2. Project title: Red inalámbrica de sensores para control medioambiental en entornos urbanos 

Financial entity: DGA (PM014/2007)

Length: 2 years (2008-2009) 

Principal investigator: Santiago Celma Pueyo.

Involvement: FellowshioI3A 

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

1. Project title: Inteligencia ambiental aplicada a la agricultura de precisión: optimización del riego en viñedos.

Financial entity: DGA (PM027/2006)

Length: 2 years (2007-2008)        

Principal investigator: Nicolás J. Medrano Marqués.

Involvement: Last degree course

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)











Juan de la Cierva


















The main research line throughout my scientific career is focused on the comprehension of snow related processes in mountain areas. The study of the snowpack is challenging as it has a high temporal and spatial variability due to complex relationships with other elements of the cyopshere, but also with the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and the biosphere. The snowpack is a meaningful resource, not only for mountain areas but also to downstream areas, what in the context of global change underline the need of a detailed comprehension of snow dynamics to design appropriate adaptation strategies. All this highlights the needs of monitoring and understanding snow dynamics to reduce the uncertainty of forecasting snowpack evolution at different spatial and temporal scales. 

Specifically, I am highly interested on the understanding on how the snowpack controls different mountain processes comprising; glaciers dynamics, rivers discharge, meadows phenology or soil erosion; and simultaneously, on the comprehension on how local topography, forest structures and the occurrence of different meteorological events influences snow dynamics. Along my scientific career I have learned, applied and combined a wide variety of observation and simulation techniques what has allowed me to push ahead the knowledge boundaries in remote mountain areas. Likewise I have contributed to develop forecasting and monitoring systems aimed to prevent endangering situations for the society, infrastructures and mountain ecosystems. 

In total, I have been involved in more than 200 field campaigns all over the world (Pyrenees, Alps, Cordillera Blanca, Central Andes), not only to observe snow and glaciers dynamics, but also to install and maintain experimental sites. This way, I was the first researcher systematically applying and generating TLS and drone observations in the Pyrenees and one the first all over the world to implement these tools in mountain areas.























69. J. Revuelto, E. Alonso-González, S. Gascoin, G. Rodríguez-López, J.I. López-Moreno. Spatial downscaling of MODIS snow cover observations using Sentinel-2 snow products . MDPI Remote Sensing 2021. 13, 4513. 

68. E. Morán-Tejeda; M. Llorente-Pinto; A. Ceballos-Barbancho; M. Tomás-Burguera; C. Azorín-Molina; E. Alonso-González; J. Revuelto and J.I. López-Moreno. The significance of monitoring high mountain environments to detect heavy precipitation hotspots: A case study in Gredos, Central Spain. Theoretical and Applied Climatology .

67. J. Revuelto, B. Cluzet, N. Duran, M. Fructus, M. Lafaysse, E. Cosme, M. Dumont  Assimilation of surface reflectance in snow simulations: impact on bulk snow variables. Journal of Hydrology  603 (2021) 126966 

66. I. Vidaller, J. Revuelto (co-first authors), E. Izagirre, F. Rojas-Heredia, E. Alonso-González, S. Gascoin, P. Rene, E. Berthier, I. Rico, A. Moreno, E. Serrano, A. Serreta, J.I.  López-Moreno; Toward an ice-free mountain range: demise of Pyrenean glaciers during 2011–2020. Geophysical Research Letters. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094339. 

65. I Rico, F Magnin, J.I. López-Moreno, E Serrano, E. Alonso-González, J. Revuelto, L. Hughes-Allen, M. Gómez-Lende. First evidence of rock wall permafrost in the Pyrenees (Southwestern Europe, 42° N). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 2021;1–8.  

64. J.I. López-Moreno, J.W. Pomeroy, E. Moran-Tejeda, J. Revuelto, F.M. Navarro-Serrano, I. Vidaller, E. Alonso-González, Changes in the frequency changes of global high mountain rain-on-snow (ROS) events due to climate warming. Environmental Research Letters. 

63. J. Revuelto, E. Alonso-Gonzalez, I. Vidaller-Gayan, E. Lacroi, E. Izagirre, G. Rodríguez-López, J. I. López-Moreno. Intercomparison of UAV platforms for mapping snow depth distribution in complex alpine terrain.  Cold Regions Science and Technology. 

62. N. Helbig, Y. Bühler, L. Eberhard. C. Deschamps-Berger, S. Gascoin, M. Dumont, J. Revuelto, J.S. Deems, T. Jonas. Fractional snow covered area : Scale independent peak of winter parameterization. The Cryosphere. 15, 615–632, 2021 

61. J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno, E. Alonos-González, Light and shadow in mapping alpine snowpack with unmanned aerial vehicles-UAVs in the absence of ground control points. Water Resource Research,  57, e2020WR028980. 


60. J.I. López Moreno, F. Navarro, E. Izaguirre, E. Alonso, i. Rico, J. Zabalza, J. Revuelto. (2020). Glacier and climate evolution in the Pariacacá Mountains, Peru. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica.  Vol 46, No 1 (2020).  Doi: 10.18172/cig.4331, pp 127-139. JCR year: 2020, JCI Rank: 26/60, JCI Quartile: Q2

59. J. Revuelto, E. Alonso–González, J.I. López-Moreno. (2020)  Generation of daily high spatial resolution snow depth maps from in-situ snow depth data and time-lapse photographs. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica doi: 10.18172/cig.3801 46 (1), pp. 55-79. 

58. J. I. López-Moreno, J. M. García-Ruiz, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, E. Alonso-González, J. Revuelto-Benedí. I. Rico,  E. Izagirre & Beguería-Portugués, S. (2020). Critical discussion of:" A farewell to glaciers: Ecosystem services loss in the Spanish Pyrenees". Journal of environmental management, 275, 111247.

57. J. Revuelto, P. Billecocq, F. Tuzet, B. Cluzet, M. Lamare, F. Larue, M. Dumont, M. (2020). Random forests as a tool to understand the snow depth distribution and its evolution in mountain areas. Hydrological Processes 

56. S. Gascoin, Z. Barrou-Dumont, C. Deschamps-Berger, F. Marti, J.I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, T. Michon, P. Schattan, O. Hagolle. (2020) Estimating fractional snow cover in open terrain from Sentinel-2 using the normalized difference snow index. Remote sensing MDPI. 12(18), 2904. Q1. IF 4.848 

55. J. I. López-Moreno; J.W. Pomeroy; E.Alonso-González; J. Revuelto. E. Moran-Tejeda. (2020) Decoupling of warming mountain snowpacks from hydrological regimes Environmental Research Letters 15(11), 114006. 

54. P.A. Mendoza, T.E. Shaw, J. McPhee, K.N. Musselman, J. Revuelto, S. MacDonell. (2020)  Spatial distribution and scaling properties of lidar-derived snow depth in the extratropical Andes. Water Resource Research 

53. F. Tuzet, M. Dumont, G. Picard, M. Lamare, D. Voisin, P. Nabat, M. Lafaysse, F. Larue, J. Revuelto, L. Arnaud. (2020). Quantificatin of the radiative impact of light-abosrving particles during two contrasted snow seasons at Col du Lautaret (2058 m a.s.l., French Alps). The Cryosphere 

52. D. Peña-Angulo, F. Reig-Gracia, F. Domínguez-Castro, J. Revuelto, E. Aguilar, G. van der Schrier, S. M. Vicente-Serrano (2020) ECTACI: European Climatology and Trend Atlas of Climate Indices (1979-2017). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,125, e2020JD032798. 

51. E. Alonso-González, J.I. López-Moreno, F. Navarro-Serrano, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, J. Revuelto, A. Ceballos. (2020) Snowpack sensitivity to temperature, precipitation and radiation variability over an elevational gradient in the Iberian mountains. Atmospheric Research 243 (2020) 104973

50. J. Pey, J. Revuelto, N. Moreno, E. Alonso-González, M. Bartolomé, J. Reyes, S. Gascoin, J.I. López-Moreno. (2020) Snow Impurities in the Central Pyrenees: From Their Geochemical and Mineralogical Composition towards their Impacts on Snow Albedo. Atmosphere MDPI. 2020, 11, 937; doi:10.3390/atmos11090937. 

49. F. Larue, G. Picard, L. Arnaud, I. Ollivier, C. Delcourt, M. Lamare, F. Tuzet, J. Revuelto, M. Dumont. Snow albedo sensitivity to macroscopic surface roughness using a new ray-tracing model, The Cryosphere, 14, 1651–1672, The Cryosphere 14, 1651-1672. 

48. J. I. López-Moreno, J. L. Ceballos, F. Rojas, J. Zabalza-Martinez, I. Vidaller, J. Revuelto, E. Alonso-González,  E. Morán-Tejeda, J. M. García-Ruiz. (2020) Topographic control of glacier changes since the end of the Little Ice Age in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains, Colombia. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102803. 

47. F Navarro-Serrano; C. Azorin-Molina; E. Alonso-González; M. Aznárez-Balta; S. Buisán; J. Revuelto; J.I. López-Moreno. (2020)  Elevation Effects on Air Temperature in a topographically complex mountain valley in the Spanish Pyrenees. Atmosphere MDPI, 11, 656; doi:10.3390/atmos11060656. 

46. P. A. Mendoza, K. N. Musselman,  J. Revuelto, J. S. Deems I. López-Moreno, and J. McPhee. Interannual and seasonal variability of snow depth scaling behavior in a sub‐alpine catchment. Water Resource Research 

45. F. Domínguez-Castro, F. Reig, S. Vicente-Serrano, E. Aguilar, D. Peña-Angulo, I. Noguera, J. Revuelto, G. van der Schrier, A. El Kemawy. (2020)  A multidecadal assessment of climate índices over Europe. Accepted in Scientific Data 7 (125) doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0464-0. 

44. B. Cluzet, J. Revuelto, M. Lafaysse, M. Dumont, E. Cosme, F. Tuzet. ( 2020)Towards the assimilation of MODIS reflecatance into spatialized snowpack simulations. Cold Region Science and Technology.170, 102918.


43. E. Alonso-González, J.I. López-Moreno, F. Navarro-Serrano, J. Revuelto (2019) Impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the Snowpack in Iberian Peninsula Mountains. Water MDPI, 12 (1), 105. doi:10.3390/w12010105 

42. E. Alonso-González, J.I. López-Moreno, F. Navarro-Serrano, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, J. Revuelto, F. Domínguez-Castro, A. Ceballos. (2019) Snow climatology for the mountains in Iberian Peninsula using satellite imagery and simulations using dynamically downscaled reanalysis data. International Journal of Climatology 40 (1). 

41. F. Tuzet, M. Dumont, L. Arnaud, D. Voisin, M. Lamare, F. Larue, J. Revuelto and G. Picard (2019). Influence of light absorving particles on snow spectral irradiance profiles. The Cryosphere. 13, 2169–2187, 2019 


40. J.I. López Moreno E. Alonso-González; O. Montserrat; L. M. del Rio; J. Otero; J. Lapazaran; G. Luzi; N. Dematteis; A. Serreta; E. Serrano-Cañadas; M. Bartolome; A. Moreno; S. Buisan; J. Revuelto Ground-based remote sensing techniques for diagnosis of the current state and recent evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, Spanish Pyrenees. Journal of Glaciology. doi: 10.1017/jog.2018.96. Q2. IF 3.261

39. J. Revuelto, G. Lecourt, M. Lafaysse, I. Zin, L. Charrois, V. Vionnet, M. Dumont, A. Rabatel, D. Six, T. Condom, S. Morin, A. Viani, P. Sirguey. (2018). Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Snowpack Simulations in Complex Alpine Terrain Using Satellite and In Situ Observations. Remote Sensing MDPI 10 (8) 1171, 

38 F. Navarro-Serrano, J.I. López-Moreno, C. Azorin-Molina, E. Alonso-González, M. Tomás-Burguera, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, J. Revuelto, S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2018). Estimation of near-surface (~1.5m) air temperature lapse-rates over the continental Spain and its mountain areas. International Journal of Climatology 2018 38(8), 3233-3249. 

37 J. I. López-Moreno, F. Navarro-Serrano, C. Azorín-Molina, P. Sánchez-Navarrete, E. Alonso-González, I. Rico, E. Morán-Tejeda, S. Buisan, J. Revuelto, M. Pons, and S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2018). Air and wet bulb temperature lapse rates and their impact on snowmaking in a Pyrenean ski resort, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2018. 1-13. 

36 A.Viani, T.Condom, C. Vincent, A. Rabatel, B. Bacchi, J. E. Sicart, J. Revuelto, D.Six and I.Zin. (2018). Glacier-wide summer surface mass balance reconstruction: hydrological balance applied on Argentière and Mer de Glace drainage basins (Mont Blanc, France) Journal of Glaciology 64, 243 119-113. 

35 E. Alonso-González, J. I. López-Moreno1, S. Gascoin, M. García-Valdecasas Ojeda, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, F. Navarro-Serrano, J. Revuelto, A. Ceballos, M. J. Esteban-Parra, R. Essery (2018). Daily gridded datasets of snow depth and snow water equivalent for the Iberian Peninsula from 1980 to 2014 Earth System Science Data. 10, 303- 315. 


34. J. Revuelto, C. Azorín-Molina, E. Alonso-González, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado. F. Navarro-Serrano, I. Rico, J.I. López-Moreno (2017). Meteorological and snow distribution data in the Izas Experimental Catchment (Spanish Pyrenees) from 2011 to 2017. Earth System Science Data 9, (2), 993. 

33. J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, E. Alonso-González, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado, S. R. Fassnacht, J. Deemsm E. Moran-Tejeda, Using very long-range terrestrial laser scanner to analyse the temporal consistency of the snowpack distribution in a high mountain environment. Journal of Mountain Science14 (5): 823-842. 

32. C. Azorín-Molina, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, T. R. McVicar, J. Revuelto, S. Jerez, J.I. López-Moreno (2017). Assessing the impact of measurement time interval when calculating speed means and trend under the stealling phenomenom. International Journal of Climatology., 37 (1). 480-492. 

31. J. I. López-Moreno, B. Valero-Garces, B. Mark, M. Frugone, J. Revuelto, C. Azorin-Molina, J. Bazo, S. M. Vicente-Serrano (2017). Hydrological response and pro-glacial lake dynamics associated with recent glacier retreat in Yanamarey catchment, Cordillera Blanca (Peru). Science of the Total Environment, 579: 272-282. 

30. S.M. Vicente-Serrano, E. Aguilar, R. Martínez, N. Martín- Hernández, C. Azorín-Molina, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, A. El Kenawy, M. Tomás-Burguera, E. Morán-Tejeda, J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, S. Beguería, J. J. Nieto, A. Drumond, L. Gimeno, R. Nieto (2017). The complex influence of ENSO on droughts in Ecuador. Climate Dynamics. 48: 405-427. 


29. J. Revuelto, J.I. López Moreno, C. Azorin, E. Alonso-González, A. Sanmiguel-Vallelado (2016) Small scale effect of pine stand pruning on snowpack distribution in the Pyrenees observed with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner. Forests , 7 (8), 166; Q1. IF 1.951

28. J. Revuelto, T. Jonas, J.I. López Moreno (2016). Backward snow depth reconstruction at high spatial resolution based on time-lapse. Hydrological Processes. 30-17: 2976–2990. Q1. IF 3.014

27. J. Revuelto. V. Vionnet, J. I. López-Moreno, M. Lafaysse, S. Morin (2016). Combining snowpack modeling and terrestrial laser scanner observations improves the simulation of small scale snow dynamics. Journal of Hydrology 533. 291-307. D1. IF 3.483. 

26. J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, I. Rico, J. M. Garcí-Ruiz, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, A. Serreta, M. Del Rio, E. Serrano-Cañadas (2016). Thinning of the Monte Perdido Glacier in the Spanish Pyrenees since 1981. The Cryosphere 10 (2), 681-294. D1. IF 4.083, 

25. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, A. El Kenawy, C. Azorín-Molina, O. Chura, F. Trujillo, E. Aguilar, N. Martín-Hernández, J.I. López-Moreno, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, E. Moran-Tejeda, J. Revuelto, P. Ycaza, F. Friend (2016). Average monthly and annual climate maps for Bolivia. Journal of Maps. 12 (2): 295-310. Q2. IF 2.174

24. J.I. López-Moreno, E. Morán- Tejeda, Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, J. Bazo, C. Azorín-Molina, .J. Revuelto, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, F. Navarro‐Serrano E. Aguilar O. Chura (2016). Recent temperature variability and change in the Altiplano of Bolivia and Peru. International Journal of Climatology. 36(4), 1773-1796. 

23. M.B. García, C.L. Alados, R. Antor, J.L. Benito Alonso, J.J. Camarero, F. Carmena, P. Errea, F. Fillat, R. García-González, J.M. García-Ruiz,  M. Gartzia, D. Gómez, I. Gómez,  P. González-Sampériz, E. Gutiérrez, J.J. Jiménez, J.I. López-Moreno, P. Mata, A. Moreno, P. Montserrat, P. Nuche, I. Pardo, J. Revuelto, M.I. Rieradeval, H. Sáiz, P. Tejero, S. Vicente-Serrano, E. Villagrasa, L. Villar, B. Valero-Garcés (2016). Integrating scales and LTER methods to better understand the overall dynamics of a mountain protected space:the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park. Ecosistemas. 25 - 1, 19 - 30. 


22 J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno, C. Azorín-Molina, S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2015). Canopy influence on snow depth distribution in a pine stand determined from terrestrial laser data. Water Resource Research, 51 (5). 3476-3489. 

21. E. Nadal-Romero, J. Revuelto, P. Errea, J.I. López-Moreno. The application of terrestrial laser scanner and photogrammetry in measuring erosion and deposition processes in humid badlands in the Central Spanish Pyrenees. SOIL, 1, 561-573, 2015. Impact Factor released in 2019 JCR. 

20. C. Azorín-Molina, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, T. R. McVicar, E. Moran-Tejeda, J. Revuelto, A. El Kenawy, N. Hernández-Martín, M. Tomas-Burguera (2015). Atmospheric evaporative demand observations, estimates and driving factors in Spain (1961-2011). Journal of Hydrology, 523 (2015), 262-277.

19. J.I. López-Moreno; J. Revuelto; S. Fassnacht; C. Azorín-Molina; S.M. Vicente-Serrano; E. Morán-Tejeda, G.A. Sextone (2015). Snowpack variability across various spatio-temporal resolutions. Hydrological Processes. 29 (6): 1213-1224. 

18. C. Azorín-Molina, Vicente-Serrano S.M., D. Chen, B.H. Connell, M.A. Domínguez-Durán, J. Revuelto, J.I.López-Moreno (2015). AVHRR warm-season cloud climatologies under various synoptic regimes across the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. International Journal of Climatology, 35 (8):1984-2002. 


17. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, C. Azorín-Molina, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, J. Revuelto, E.Moran-Tejeda J.I. López-Moreno, F. Espejo (2014). Sensitivity of reference evapotranspiration to changes in meteorological parameters in Spain (1961–2011). Water Resource Research 50 (11): 8458–8480. Q1. IF 3.549

16. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, C. Azorín-Molina, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno, J.C. González-Hidalgo, E. Moran-Tejeda, F. Espejo (2014). Reference evapotranspiration variability and trends in Spain (1961-2011). Global and Planetary Change,121 (2014) 26-40. Q1. IF 2.766

15.  J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno, C. Azorín-Molina, S. M. Vicente-Serrano. Topographic control of snowpack distribution in a small catchment in the central Spanish Pyrenees: intra- and inter-annual persistence. The Cryosphere 8 (5): 1889-2006. D1. IF 4.906. 

14. S.M. Vicente-Serrano J.I., López-Moreno, S. Beguería, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, A. Sanchez-Lorenzo, J.M. Garcia-Ruiz, C. Azorin-Molina, E. Morán-Tejeda, J. Revuelto, R.M. Trigo, F. Coelho, F. Espejo (2014). Evidence of increasing drought severity caused by temperature rise in southern Europe. Environmental Research Letters. 9 (4), 44001 44010. Q1. IF 3.906.

13. J. Revuelto, J.I. López-Moreno,  C. Azorín-Molina, J. Zabalza, G. Arguedas, S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2014).  Mapping the annual evolution of snow depth in a small catchment in the Pyrenees from long range terrestrial laser scanner technique. Journal of maps. 10(3): 379-393. 

12. J.I. López-Moreno, S. Fontaneda, J. Bazo, J. Revuelto, C. Azorin-Molina, B. Valero-Garcés, S.M. Vicente-Serrano, J. Alejo-Cochachín (2014). Recent glacier retreat and climate trends in Cordillera Huaytapallana, Peru. . Global and Planetery Change. 112:1-11. 

11. J.I. López-Moreno, J. Zabalza, S.M. Vicente-Serrano, J. Revuelto, M. Gilaberete, C. Azorin-Molina, E. Moran-Tejeda, J.M. García-Ruiz, C. Tague (2014). Impact of climate and land use change on water availability and reservoir management: scenarios in the upper Aragon river, Spanish Pyrenees. Sciences of the Total Environment. 493:1222-1231

10. J.I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, M. Gilaberte, E. Morán-Tejeda, M. Pons, E. Jove, P. Esteban, C. Garcia, J.W. Pomeroy (2014). The effect of aspect on the response of snowpack to climate warming in the Pyrenees. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 117 (1-2): 207-219. 

9. S.M. Vicente-Serrano, C. Azorín-Molina, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, E. Morán-Tejeda, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J. Revuelto, J. I. López-Moreno, F. Espejo (2014). Temporal evolution of surface humidity in Spain: recent trends and possible physical mechanism. Climate Dynamics. 42 (9-10), 2655–2674. 

8. J.I. López-Moreno, A. El-Kenawy, J. Revuelto, C. Azorín-Molina, E. Morán-Tejeda, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J. Zabalza, S.M. Vicente-Serrano (2014). Observed trends and future projections for winter warm events in the Ebro basin, Northeastn Iberian Peninsula. International Journal of Climatology. 34 (1): 49-60-

7. C. Azorín-Molina, Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, T. R. McVicar, S. Jerez, A. Sánchez-Lorenzo, J.I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, R.M. Trigo, J.A, López-Bustins, F. Espirito Santo (2014). Homogenization and assessment of observed near-surface wind speed trends over Spain and Portugal, 1961-2011. Journal of Climate 27 (10), 3692-3712.


6. J.I. López-Moreno, J.W. Pomeroy,  J. Revuelto, S.M.  Vicente-Serrano. Response of snow processes to climate change: spatial variability in a small basin in the Spanish Pyrenees (2013). Hydrological Processes. 27( 18)  2637–2650,

5. E. Morán-Tejeda, S. Herrera, J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, A. Lehmann M. Beniston (2013). Evolution and frequency (1970-2007) of combined-precipitation modes in the Spanish mountains and sensitivity of snow cover. Regional Environmental Change.13(4) , 873-885. Q1. IF 2.26.

4. E. Morán-Tejada, A. Ceglar, B. Medved-Cvikl, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, J. I. López Moreno, J. C. Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J. Revuelto, J. Julio-Camarero, E. Pasho (2013). Assesing the capability of multi-scale drought datasets to quantify drought severity and to identify drought impacts: an example in the Ebro Basin. International Journal of Climatology. 33 (8), 1884–1897. 

3. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, C. Gouveia, J. Julio Camarero, S. Beguería, R. Trigo, J. I. López-Moreno, C. Azorín-Molina, E. Pasho, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J. Revuelto, E. Morán-Tejeda, A. Sanchez-Lorenzo (2013). Response of vegetation to droughts time-scales across global biomes Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Science (PNAS). 110: 52-57. 

2.  J.I. López-Moreno, S.R. Fassnacht, J.T. Heath, K.N. Musselman, J. Revuelto, J. Latron,  E. Morán-Tejeda, T. Jonas (2013). Small scale spatial variability of snow density and depth over complex alpine terrain: Implications for estimating snow water equivalent Advances in Water Resources  55, 40–52. 


1. S. M. Vicente-Serrano, S. Beguería, J. Lorenzo-Lacruz, J. Julio Camarero, J. I. López-Moreno, J. Revuelto, E. Morán-Tejeda, A. Sanchez-Lorenzo (2012). Performance of drought indices for Ecological, Agricultural, and Hydrological Applications. Earth interactions. 2012. 16: 1-10. 































International research projects

1. Project title: Advancing cryospheric hazard prediction capabilities in mountain areas through an innovative combination of high resolution numerical modelling and satellite imagery 

Financial entity: AXA Research Foundation (2017-2019),

Length: 2 years (2017-2019)       Principal investigator:  Jesús Revuelto

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: MétéoFrance-CNRS, CEN  (Grenoble, France)         Funding: 130.000 euros (95000 euros salary, 35000 euros project)

National research projects

14. Project title:  “Generación de cartografáis de alta resolución espacial del manto de nive y su variabilidad en los PPNN de montaña y los impactos del cambio climático para el horizonte 2050”

Financial entity: Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales

Length: 3 years 2021-2023       Principal investigator:  Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 69.000 euros

13. Project title:  “HIDROIBERNIEVE- El papel de la nieve en la hidrología de la península ibérica y su respuesta a procesos de cambio global- CGL2017-82216-R””

Financial entity: Ministerio de Economía

Length: 3 years 2020-2022       Principal investigator:  Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 217.300 euros

12. Project title: Direccion JAE intro: “Caracterización espacial de la superficie de los glaciares Pirenaicos con Vehículos Aéreos No Tripulados y análisis de su evolución reciente”

Financial entity: CSIC

Length: 5 months 2021       Principal investigator:  Jesús Revuelto

Involvement: Direction

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 3.000 euros

11. Project title: Direccion JAE intro: “Incremento de la resolución espacial de productos satélite en zonas de montaña: evolución de la cobertura de nieve a escala de detalle”

Financial entity: CSIC

Length: 5 months  2020       Principal investigator:  Jesús Revuelto

Involvement: Direction

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 3.000 euros

10. Project title: Juan de la Cierva Incorporación

Financial entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación,

Length: 3 years (2020-2023)       Principal investigator:  Jesús Revuelto

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 93.000 euros

9. Project title: Etude de la variabilité du couvert neigeux et du rayonnement sous forêt : étude des processus de fonte au Col de Porte (Study of the snowcover variability below forested areas : Study of melting processes at Col  du Porte)

Financial entity: OSUG, Grenoble,

Length: 1 years (2016)       Principal investigator:  J.M. Sicart

Involvement: Post-doc,

Entity where project took place: University Grenoble-Alpes (Grenoble, France)          Funding: 30.000 euros

8. Project title: Deposition, becoming and impact of light absorbing impurities in snow

 Financial entity: Agence nationale de la recherche

Length: 4 years (2016-2018)       Principal investigator: :Marie Dumont

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Snow Research Center (Grenoble, France)              Funding: 300.000euros

7. Project title: Programme de recherche sur la prévision de crues de l’Arve à Chamonix (Research Programme on Flood Forecasting of Arve river in Chamonix).

Financial entity: SM3A Syndicat Mixte d'Aménagement de l'Arve et ses Affluents

Length: 3 años (2014-2017)       Principal investigator:  D. Six

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: University Grenoble-Alpes (Grenoble, France)          Funding: 250.000 euros

6. Project title:  “Estudio del manto de nieve en la montaña española, y su respuesta a la variabilidad y cambio climatico-CGL2014-52599-P. MINECO””

Financial entity: Ministerio de Economía, I+D excelencia

Length: 2015-2017       Principal investigator:  Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: Post-doc

Entity where project took place: Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología         Funding: 178.000 euros

5. Project title:El glaciar de Monte Perdido: Monitorización y estudio de su dinámica actual y procesos criosféricos asociados como indicadores de procesos de cambio global.

Financial entity: Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente

Length: 3 años (2014- 2017)             Principal investigator: Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza, Spain) Funding: 66.500 euros

4. Project title: Glacier retreat in the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Huaytapallana in Perú: Evidences and impacts on local population)

Financial entity: CSIC para el Desarrollo – ICOOP89

Length: 2012- 2013

Principal investigator: Dr. Juan-I. López-Moreno (CSIC)

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza, Spain)          Funding: 17.500 euros

3. Project title: Hidrología nival en el Pirineo Central español: variabilidad espacial, importancia hidrológica y su respuesta a la variabilidad y cambio climático.

Financial entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. CGL2011-27536 

Length: 3 years (2011-2014)            

Principal investigator: Juan Ignacio López Moreno

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza, Spain)        Funding: 74.000 euros

2.  Project title: ASIC programable para interfaz de microsensores en nodos de redes inalámbricas

Financial entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (PET2007-0336)

Length: 2 years 2008-2010

Principal investigator: Santiago Celma Pueyo

Involvement: Fellowship from I3A 

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

1.  Project title: Metodologías de diseño mixto para procesado analógico de señales en tiempo continuo 

Financial entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia-FEDER (TEC2005-00285/MIC)

Length: 3 years 2005-2008.

Principal investigator: Santiago Celma Pueyo.

Involvement: Last degree course.

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

Regional reserch projects

5. Project title: El yacimiento de huellas fósiles de Fondota (Abiego) y su estudio mediante técnicas de Terrestrial Laser Scan.

Financial entity: Centro de Estudios del Somontano de Barbastro


Principal investigator: Diego Castanera.

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)              Funding: 5000 eruos

4. Project title: Efecto de los escenarios de cambio climático sobre la hidrología superficial y la gestión de los embalses del Pirineo Aragonés para el siglo XXI: Valoración de impactos y posibles estrategias de adaptación GA-LC-007/2011.

Financial entity: Gobierno de Aragón y La Caixa

Length: 2 years (may 2011-Abril 2013)            

Principal investigator: Juan Ignacio López Moreno.

Involvement: PhD student 

Entity where project took place: Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (Zaragoza, Spain)       Funding: 42.000 euros

3. Project title: Inteligencia ambiental aplicada a entornos naturales abiertos.

Financial entity: Universidad de Zaragoza-DGA (UZ2006-TEC-02)

Length: 1 year    (2008)               

Principal investigator l: Nicolás J. Medrano Marqués.

Involvement: Last degree course.

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

2. Project title: Red inalámbrica de sensores para control medioambiental en entornos urbanos 

Financial entity: DGA (PM014/2007)

Length: 2 years (2008-2009) 

Principal investigator: Santiago Celma Pueyo.

Involvement: FellowshioI3A 

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

1. Project title: Inteligencia ambiental aplicada a la agricultura de precisión: optimización del riego en viñedos.

Financial entity: DGA (PM027/2006)

Length: 2 years (2007-2008)        

Principal investigator: Nicolás J. Medrano Marqués.

Involvement: Last degree course

Entity where project took place: Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)