► Scientific Researcher

Climate variability and change, their impacts, and availability of water resources are key-topics in physical and earth sciences, with extensive scientific, economic, social and environmental relevance. Since the beginning of my scientific career, my research has been mainly focused on topics related to climate variability and its impacts.
The main challenge of my research is to improve the spatial and temporal knowledge of climate variability, allowing to monitor, quantify and predict the occurrence and derived impacts of extreme precipitation events, with special focus on severe droughts.
To achieve these goals, it has been necessary to deepen our understanding of mechanism that control atmospheric circulation, the connections of the global climate system and the development of new techniques of analysis. In our department we consider a research priority to tackle issues related to climate dynamic: trends, variability and change, extreme events, climate impacts and socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability. These studies must be conducted at different spatial scales, with the purpose of clarifying present and near-future climate change processes. The interest for these studies is theoretical and scientific, but also they have an undeniable applied interest, since the connection between atmospheric circulation and hydro-climatic processes is a priority to predict extreme events, to assess impacts of projected climatic change, and to supply new tools for a better environmental and territorial management.
≈ Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Beguería, S., Comment on “Candidate Distributions for Climatological Drought Indices (SPI and SPEI)” by James H. Stagge et al. International Journal of Climatology.
≈ López-Moreno, Juan, I., Moran, Enrique, Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Bazo, J., Azorin-Molina, C.,Revuelto, Jesús, Sanchez-Lorenzo, Arturo, Navarro-Serrano, Francisco Javier, Aguilar, Enric, Chura, Orlando. Recent temperature variability and change in the Altiplano of Bolivia and Peru. International Journal of Climatology
≈ Vicente-Serrano, S.M., El Kenawy, A., Azorin-Molina, C. Chura, O., Trujillo, F., Aguilar, E., Martín-Hernández, N., López-Moreno, J.I., Sanchez-Lorenzo, A., Moran-Tejeda, E., Revuelto, J., Ycaza, P., Friend, F. Average monthly and annual climate maps for Bolivia. Journal of Maps.
≈ Morán-Tejeda, E.; J. Zabalza, K. Rahman, A. Gago-Silva, J.I. López-Moreno, Vicente-Serrano, S.M., A. Lehmann, C.L. Tague, and M. Beniston. Hydrological impacts of climate and land-use changes in a mountain watershed: uncertainty estimation based on model comparison. Ecohydrology.
≈ Ágreda, T., Águeda, B., Olano, J.M., Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Fernández-Toirán, L.M., Increased evapotranspiration demand in a Mediterranean climate could cause a decline in fungal yields under global warming. Global Change Biology 21, 3499–3510.
≈ El Kenawy, A., López-Moreno, J.I., McCabe, M., Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Evaluation of the TMPA-3B42 precipitation product using a high-density rain gauge network over complex terrain in northeastern Iberia. Global and Planetary Change 133: 188-200.
≈ Revuelto, J., López-Moreno, J.I., Azorin-Molina, C., Vicente-Serrano, S.M. Canopy influence on snow depth distribution in a pine stand determined from terrestrial laser data. Water Resources Research 51: 3476-3489.
≈ Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Chura, O., López-Moreno, J.I., Azorin-Molina, C., Sanchez-Lorenzo, A., Aguilar, E., Moran-Tejeda, E., Trujillo, F., Martínez, R., Nieto, J.J. Spatio-temporal variability of droughts in Bolivia: 1955-2012. International Journal of Climatology 35: 3024-3040.
≈ Azorin-Molina, C., Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Chen, D., Connell, B.H., Domínguez-Durand, M.A., Revuelto, J., López-Moreno, J.I., AVHRR warm-season cloud climatologies under various synoptic regimes across the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic islands. International Journal of Climatology 35: 1984-2002.
≈ Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Gerard Van der Schrier, Santiago Beguería, Cesar Azorin–Molina, Juan-I. Lopez–Moreno (2015). Contribution of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration to drought indices under different climates. Journal of Hydrology 426: 42-54.
≈ Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Cabello, D., Tomás-Burguera, M., Martín-Hernández, N., Beguería, S., Azorin-Molina, C. and El Kenawy, A., (2015) Drought variability and land degradation in semiarid regions: assessment using remote sensing data and drought indices (1982–2011). Remote Sensing, 7: 4391-4423.
≈ López-Moreno, J.I., Revuelto, J., Fassnacht, S.R., Azorín-Molina, C., Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Morán-Tejeda, E. and Sexstone, G.A., (2015) Snowpack variability and consistency across a (small) Pyrenean catchment over various spatio-temporal resolutions. Hydrological Processes. 29, 2213-2224
≈ Cuadrat, J.M., Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Saz, M.A., (2015): Influence of different factors on relative air humidity in Zaragoza, Spain. Frontiers in Earth Science. 3:10. doi: 10.3389/feart.2015.00010.
≈ Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Camarero, J.J., Zabalza, J., Sangüesa-Barreda, G, López-Moreno, J.I. and Tague, C.L. (2015) The evapotranspiration deficit controls growth and net primary production: implications for Pyrenean silver fir growth under warmer and drier conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 206: 45-54.
≈ Azorin-Molina, C. Vicente-Serrano, S.M. ; Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo; Tim R. McVicar ; Enrique Morán-Tejeda ; Jesus Revuelto ; Ahmed El Kenawy, Natalia Martín-Hernández ; Miquel Tomas-Burguera. Atmospheric evaporative demand observations, estimates and driving factors in Spain (1961-2011). Journal of Hydrology 523: 262-277.
≈ Scaini, Anna, Nilda Sánchez, Vicente-Serrano, S.M., José Martínez-Fernández, (2015) SMOS-derived soil moisture anomalies and drought indices: a comparative analysis using in situ measurements. Hydrological Processes. 29, 373–383
≈ Azorin-Molina, C., Sander Tijm, Elizabeth E. Ebert, Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Maria-Jose Estrela. (2015) High Resolution HIRLAM Simulations of the Role of Low-Level Sea-Breeze Convergence in Initiating Deep Moist Convection in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Boundary layer Meteorology 154:81–100.
≈ Camarero, J. Julio., Antonio Gazol, Gabriel Sangüesa-Barreda, Jonàs Oliva and Vicente-Serrano, S.M., (2015) To die or not to die: early warnings of tree dieback in response to a severe drought. Journal of Ecology. 103, 44-57
≈ El Kenawy, A., J.I. López-Moreno, M. F. McCabe, N.A. Brunsell and Vicente- Serrano, S.M.. (2015) Daily Temperature Changes and Variability in ENSEMBLES Regional Models Predictions: Evaluation and Intercomparison for the Ebro Valley (NE Iberia). Atmospheric Research. 155 141–157.
≈ García-Ruiz, J.M., López-Moreno, J.I., Lasanta, T., Vicente-Serrano, S.M., González-Sampériz, P., Valero-Garcés, B., Sanjuán, Y., Beguería, S., Nadal-Romero, E., Lana-Renault, N., Gómez-Villar, A., (2015): Los efectos geoecológicos del cambio global en el Pirineo central español: una revisión a distintas Escalas espaciales y temporales. Pirineos. Revista de Ecología de Montaña 170, doi:
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