- Álvarez–Salgado X.A., M. Nieto–Cid, M. Álvarez, F.F. Pérez, P. Morin, H. Mercier (2013). New insights on the mineralization of dissolved organic matter in central, intermediate and deep water masses of the northeast North Atlantic. Limnology and Oceanography 58: 681–696.
- Benavides M., J. Arístegui, N.S.R. Agawin, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, M. Álvarez, C. Troupin (2013). Contribution of N2 fixation to new production and excess nitrogen in the subtropical northeast Atlantic margin. Deep Sea Research – Part I 81: 36–48.
- Lønborg C., S. Martínez–García, E. Teira, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado (2013). Effects of the photochemical transformation of dissolved organic matter on bacterial physiology and diversity in a coastal system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 129: 11–18.
- Ohlberger J., J. Otero, E. Edeline, I.J. Winfield, N.C. Stenseth, L.A. Vøllestad (2013) Biotic and abiotic effects on cohort size distributions in fish. Oikos 122: 835-844
- Reinthaler T., X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, M. Álvarez, H.M. van Aken, G.J. Herndl (2013). Impact of water mass mixing on mineralization and biogeochemistry in the North Atlantic Deep Water. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi: 10.1002/2013GB004634.
- Romera–Castillo C., X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, M. Galí, C. Marrasé, J.M. Gasol (2013). Combined effect of light exposure and microbial activity on distinct dissolved organic matter pools. A seasonal field study in an oligotrophic coastal system (Blanes Bay, NW Mediterranean). Marine Chemistry 148: 44–51.
- Roura–Labiaga A., X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, M. Gregori, G. Rosón, A.F.G. González, A. Guerra (2013). Short–term meso–scale variability of mesozooplankton communities in a coastal upwelling system (NW Spain). Progress in Oceanography 109: 18–32.
- Seeyave S., T. Probyn, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, F.G. Figueiras, D. Purdie, E.D. Barton, M. Lucas (2013). Nitrogen uptake of phytoplankton assemblages under contrasting upwelling and downwelling conditions: the Ría de Vigo, NW Iberia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 124: 1–12.
- Teira E., V. Hernando–Morales, S. Martínez–García, F. G. Figueiras, B. Arbones, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado (2013). Response of bacterial community structure and function to experimental rainwater additions in a coastal eutrophic embayment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 119: 44–53.
- Alonso-Fernández A., J. Otero, D. Villegas-Ríos, R. Bañón (2014) Drivers of body size changes of a Pollachius pollachius stock in NE Atlantic coastal waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series 511: 223-235
- Álvarez M., S. Brea, H. Mercier, X.A. Álvarez-Salgado (2014). Mineralization of biogenic materials in the water masses of the South Atlantic Ocean. I: assessment and results of an optimum multiparameter análisis. Progress in Oceanography 123: 1–23.
- Álvarez-Salgado X.A., M. Álvarez, S. Brea, M.J. Messias, L. Memery (2014). Mineralization of biogenic materials in the water masses of the South Atlantic Ocean. II: stoichiometric ratios and mineralization rates. Progress in Oceanography 123: 24–37.
- De La Fuente P., C. Marrasé, A.J. Canepa, X.A. Álvarez-Salgado, M. Gasser, N. Fajar, C. Romera-Castillo, J.L. Pelegrí (2014). Does a general relationship exist between fluorescent dissolved organic matter and microbial respiration? – The case of the dark equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research – Part I 89: 44–55.
- Duarte P., X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, M.J. Fernández-Reiriz, S. Piedracoba, U. Labarta (2014). A modelling study on the hydrodynamics of a coastal embayment occupied by mussel farms (Ría de Ares-Betanzos, NW Iberian Peninsula). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 147: 42–55.
- Guerrero–Feijóo E., M. Nieto–Cid, M. Álvarez, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado (2014). Dissolved organic matter cycling in the confluence of the Atlantic and Indian oceans south of Africa. Deep Sea Research – Part I 83: 12–23.
- Lonborg C., X.A. Álvarez–Salgado (2014). Tracing dissolved organic matter cycling in the eastern boundary of the temperate North Atlantic using absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. Deep Sea Research – Part I 85: 35–46.
- Otero J., L'Abée-Lund J.H., Castro-Santos T., Leonardsson K., Storvik G.O., Jonsson B., Dempson B., Russell I.C., Jensen A.J., Baglinière J.-L., Dionne M., Armstrong J.D., Romakkaniemi A., Letcher B.H., Kocik J.F., Erkinaro J., Poole R., Rogan G., Lundqvist H., MacLean J.C., Jokikokko E., Arnekleiv J.V., Kennedy R.J., Niemelä E., Caballero P., Music P.A., Antonsson T., Gudjonsson S., Veselov A.E., Lamberg A., Groom S., Taylor B.H., Taberner M., Dillane M., Arnason F., Horton G., Hvidsten N.A., Jonsson I.R., Jonsson N., McKelvey S., Næsje T.F., Skaala Ø., Smith G.W., Sægrov H., Stenseth N.C., Vøllestad L.A. (2014) Basin-scale phenology and effects of climate variability on global timing of initial seaward migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Global Change Biology 20: 61-75
- Pérez–Camacho A., E. Aguiar, U. Labarta, V. Vinseiro, M.J. Fernández–Reiriz, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado (2014). Ecosystem-based indicators as a tool for mussel culture management strategies. Ecological Indicators 45: 538–548.
- Piedracoba S., X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, U. Labarta, M.J. Fernández–Reiriz, B. Gómez, C. Balseiro (2014). Water flows through mussel rafts and their relationship with wind speed in a coastal embayment (Ría de Ares-Betanzos, NW Spain). Continental Shelf Research 75: 1–14.
- Reboreda R., N.G.F. Cordeiro, R. Nolasco, C.G. Castro, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, H. Queiroga, J. Dubert (2014). Modeling the seasonal and interannual variability (2001–2010) of chlorophyll-a in the Iberian margin. Journal of Sea Research 93: 133–149.
- Reboreda R., R. Nolasco, C.G. Castro, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, N.G.F. Cordeiro, H. Queiroga, J. Dubert (2014). Seasonal cycle of plankton production in the Iberian margin based on a high resolution ocean model. Journal of Marine Systems 139: 396-408.
- Reboreda R., C.G. Castro, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado, R. Nolasco, N.G.F. Cordeiro, H. Queiroga, J. Dubert (2014). Oxygen in the Iberian margin: a modelling study. Progress in Oceanography, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.09.005.
- Sieiro P., J. Otero & A. Guerra (2014) Contrasting macroscopic maturity staging with histological characteristics of the gonads in female Octopus vulgaris. Hydrobiologia 730: 113-125
- Catalá T.S., I. Reche, A. Fuentes–Lema, C. Romera–Castillo, M. Nieto–Cid, E. Ortega–Retuerta, E. Calvo, M. Álvarez, C. Marrasé, C.A. Stedmon, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado. Turnover time of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the dark global ocean. Nature Communications, aceptado.
- Lonborg C., T. Yokokawa, G.J. Herndl, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado. Production and degradation of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in surface waters of the eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research – Part I, aceptado.
- Martínez–García S., B. Arbones, E.E. García–Martín, I.G. Teixeira, P. Serret, E. Fernández, F.G. Figueiras, E. Teira, X.A. Álvarez–Salgado. Impact of atmospheric deposition on the metabolism of coastal microbial communities. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, aceptado.